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Proxmox VM bootet nicht mehr - nur mehr UEFIshell - was ist zu tun?

Beim Update von Proxmox 6.1 auf 6.2 gab es einige Änderungen. Vorallem dieser Ausschnitt.

Known Issues with OVMF/UEFI disks

An EFI disk on a storage which doesn't allow for small (128 KB) images (for example: CEPH, ZFS, LVM(thin)), was not correctly mapped to the VM. While fixed now, such existing setup may need manual intervention:

  • If your EFI disks is on qcow2 you do not have to do anything.
  • Before the upgrade, make sure that on your ESP, the EFI boot binary exists at \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI (the default fallback when no EFI boot entries are set). Windows and some Linux VMs using systemd-boot should do that automatically
  • After the upgrade, you can recreate the EFI boot entries (for example, with efibootmgr) and delete the BOOTX64.EFI again(if it did not exist before).
  • If you already upgraded and it does not boot, Start-up the VM → press ESC to get into the OVMF menu. Then „Boot Maintenance Manager“ → „Boot From File“ → choose Disk with the EFI System Partition (ESP). Now you can navigate to the EFI executable, for example for Debian: EFI/debian/grubx64.efi or for Fedora: EFI/fedora/shimx64-fedora.efi. Once you found the correct one boot and after that restore the efiboot entry, see your Distribution's Documentation for this or use also the OVMF firmware „Boot Maintenance → Boot Options → Add Boot Option“ GUI.

Auf Deutsch: „schaut sich vorher nicht gründlich die Changelogs an, kann es sein das einige/viele VM's nicht mehr starten die UEFI verwenden!“

An dieser Stelle darf ich dich beruhigen, es ist alles halb so wild, viel mehr easy… wenn man weiß wo man was bewegen muss um sein Ziel zu erreichen.