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Backuppc Hostcheck für Ubuntu und Gentoo

Das offizielle Checkscript von Backuppc das überprüft ob alle Rechner gebackuped sind ist veraltet und nicht brauchbar. Das Script wurde für Gentoo und Ubuntu umgeschrieben. Folgender Eintrag muss jeweils in die /etc/suduers:

nagios    ALL=(backuppc) NOPASSWD: ALL

Die Scripte werden jeweils in das Nagios Pluginverzeichnis kopiert.

  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  # Nagios module to check backups from BackupPC software v0.2
  # Made by Pierre Mavro
  # Last Modified : 04/04/2009
  # This Nagios module is under GPLv2 License
  # Installation (nagios client side) :
  # - Copy the script in your nagios plugins directory (usualy /usr/lib/nagios/plugins)
  # - Set good rights (700 for nagios user)
  # - Add those two lines in your suoders file :
  #   - "Cmnd_Alias  GETSTATUS = /bin/su - backuppc -c /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_serverMesg (or replace by your $bppccmd value bellow) 'status hosts'"
  #   - "nagios  ALL=NOPASSWD:GETSTATUS"
  # Usage : check_backuppc_hosts [path_to_BackupPC_serverMesg]
  #         - path_to_BackupPC_serverMesg : if unset, default is /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_serverMesg
  # History :
  # v0.2 :
  # + Added number of backuped hosts in status information column
  # + Added number of hosts errors in status information column
  # + Added an unknow host detection (from host backuppc file)
  # = Check hosts method optimized ((x hosts) * (time to check) faster)
  # = Improved security on sudoers command
  # v0.1 :
  # + First version
  use strict;
  my @hosts_list;
  my @errors;
  my @formated_bppccmd;
  my $bppccmd='/usr/bin/BackupPC_serverMesg';
  # Get list of all backuped hosts
  sub format_input {
      # Test $bppccmd execution
      die "Could not execute $bppccmd file : $!" unless (-x $bppccmd);
      # Only bakcuppc user could check backup state
      open (COMMANDBACKUPPC, "/usr/bin/sudo -u backuppc $bppccmd 'status hosts' |") or die "Couldn't execute $bppccmd 'status hosts' : $!";
  #    open (COMMANDBACKUPPC, "/usr/bin/sudo /bin/su - backuppc -c \"$bppccmd 'status hosts'\" |") or die "Couldn't execute $bppccmd 'status hosts' : $!";
      while (<COMMANDBACKUPPC>) {
          @formated_bppccmd = split /},/, $_;
      close (COMMANDBACKUPPC);
  # Check backup status for each hosts
  sub check_hosts_status {
      foreach (@formated_bppccmd) {
          chomp $_;
          my $current_host;
          # Add host to hosts_list
          if (/"(\S+)" => {/) {
              push @hosts_list, $1; 
              # Verify if any errors has occcured during backup
              if (/"error" => "(.+?)"/i) {
                  push @errors, "$current_host : $1";
  # Give result to Nagios
  sub feedback {
      my $total_errors = @errors;
      if ($total_errors ne 0) {
          my $many='';
          $many='s' if ($total_errors > '1');
          my @formated_errors = join " - ", @errors;
          print "[$total_errors problem"."$many"."] - @formated_errors\n";
      } else {
          my $total_hosts = @hosts_list;
          print "All ($total_hosts) servers have been correctly backuped\n";
  # Check if first arg has been set
  $bppccmd=$ARGV[0] if (defined($ARGV[0]));
  # Check if 1 or less args has been set
  if (@ARGV <= 1) {
  } else {
      print "Usage : check_backuppc_hosts [path_to_BackupPC_serverMesg]\n- path_to_BackupPC_serverMesg : if unset, default is /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_serverMesg\n\n";
  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  # Nagios module to check backups from BackupPC software v0.2
  # Made by Pierre Mavro
  # Last Modified : 04/04/2009
  # This Nagios module is under GPLv2 License
  # Installation (nagios client side) :
  # - Copy the script in your nagios plugins directory (usualy /usr/lib/nagios/plugins)
  # - Set good rights (700 for nagios user)
  # - Add those two lines in your suoders file :
  #   - "Cmnd_Alias  GETSTATUS = /bin/su - backuppc -c /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_serverMesg (or replace by your $bppccmd value bellow) 'status hosts'"
  #   - "nagios  ALL=NOPASSWD:GETSTATUS"
  # Usage : check_backuppc_hosts [path_to_BackupPC_serverMesg]
  #         - path_to_BackupPC_serverMesg : if unset, default is /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_serverMesg
  # History :
  # v0.2 :
  # + Added number of backuped hosts in status information column
  # + Added number of hosts errors in status information column
  # + Added an unknow host detection (from host backuppc file)
  # = Check hosts method optimized ((x hosts) * (time to check) faster)
  # = Improved security on sudoers command
  # v0.1 :
  # + First version
  use strict;
  my @hosts_list;
  my @errors;
  my @formated_bppccmd;
  my $bppccmd='/usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_serverMesg';
  # Get list of all backuped hosts
  sub format_input {
      # Test $bppccmd execution
      die "Could not execute $bppccmd file : $!" unless (-x $bppccmd);
      # Only bakcuppc user could check backup state
      open (COMMANDBACKUPPC, "/usr/bin/sudo -u backuppc $bppccmd 'status hosts' |") or die "Couldn't execute $bppccmd 'status hosts' : $!";
  #    open (COMMANDBACKUPPC, "/usr/bin/sudo /bin/su - backuppc -c \"$bppccmd 'status hosts'\" |") or die "Couldn't execute $bppccmd 'status hosts' : $!";
      while (<COMMANDBACKUPPC>) {
          @formated_bppccmd = split /},/, $_;
      close (COMMANDBACKUPPC);
  # Check backup status for each hosts
  sub check_hosts_status {
      foreach (@formated_bppccmd) {
          chomp $_;
          my $current_host;
          # Add host to hosts_list
          if (/"(\S+)" => {/) {
              push @hosts_list, $1; 
              # Verify if any errors has occcured during backup
              if (/"error" => "(.+?)"/i) {
                  push @errors, "$current_host : $1";
  # Give result to Nagios
  sub feedback {
      my $total_errors = @errors;
      if ($total_errors ne 0) {
          my $many='';
          $many='s' if ($total_errors > '1');
          my @formated_errors = join " - ", @errors;
          print "[$total_errors problem"."$many"."] - @formated_errors\n";
      } else {
          my $total_hosts = @hosts_list;
          print "All ($total_hosts) servers have been correctly backuped\n";
  # Check if first arg has been set
  $bppccmd=$ARGV[0] if (defined($ARGV[0]));
  # Check if 1 or less args has been set
  if (@ARGV <= 1) {
  } else {
      print "Usage : check_backuppc_hosts [path_to_BackupPC_serverMesg]\n- path_to_BackupPC_serverMesg : if unset, default is /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_serverMesg\n\n";