Action disabled: source

VPN mit Clientzertifikat Fortigate

fw01 # diagnose debug disable

fw01 # config user peer 

fw01 (peer) # show

fw01 (peer) # edit testbla
new entry 'testbla' added

fw01 (testbla) # set 
ca                      Peer certificate CA (CA name in local).
cn                      Peer certificate common name.
cn-type                 Peer certificate common name type.
ldap-mode               Peer LDAP mode.
ldap-password           Password for LDAP server bind.
ldap-server             LDAP server for access rights check.
ldap-username           Username for LDAP server bind.
mandatory-ca-verify     Enable/disable mandatory CA verify.
ocsp-override-server    OSCP server.
subject                 Peer certificate name constraints.
two-factor              Enable/disable 2-factor authentication (certificate + password).
fw01 (testbla) # set mandatory-ca-verify enable

fw01 (testbla) # set ca 
<string>    please input string value
CA_Cert_1	ca
CA_Cert_2	ca
Fortinet_CA	ca
Fortinet_CA2	ca
PositiveSSL_CA	ca

fw01 (testbla) # set ca CA_Cert_1 

fw01 (testbla) # set cn 
<string>    please input string value

fw01 (testbla) # set cn-type 
FQDN      Fully Qualified Domain Name.
email     Email address.
ipv4      IPv4 address.
ipv6      IPv6 address.
string    Normal string.
fw01 (testbla) # set cn-type string 

fw01 (testbla) # set cn testbla

fw01 (testbla) # set 
ca                      Peer certificate CA (CA name in local).
cn                      Peer certificate common name.
cn-type                 Peer certificate common name type.
ldap-mode               Peer LDAP mode.
ldap-password           Password for LDAP server bind.
ldap-server             LDAP server for access rights check.
ldap-username           Username for LDAP server bind.
mandatory-ca-verify     Enable/disable mandatory CA verify.
ocsp-override-server    OSCP server.
subject                 Peer certificate name constraints.
two-factor              Enable/disable 2-factor authentication (certificate + password).
fw01 (testbla) # set two-factor enable 

fw01 (testbla) # set 
ca                      Peer certificate CA (CA name in local).
cn                      Peer certificate common name.
cn-type                 Peer certificate common name type.
ldap-mode               Peer LDAP mode.
ldap-password           Password for LDAP server bind.
ldap-server             LDAP server for access rights check.
ldap-username           Username for LDAP server bind.
mandatory-ca-verify     Enable/disable mandatory CA verify.
ocsp-override-server    OSCP server.
passwd                  User password.
subject                 Peer certificate name constraints.
two-factor              Enable/disable 2-factor authentication (certificate + password).
fw01 (testbla) # set passwd 

incomplete command in the end
Command fail. Return code -160

fw01 (testbla) # set passwd 1234567

fw01 (testbla) # end

fw01 # config user peer

fw01 (peer) # show
config user peer
    edit "testbla"
        set ca "CA_Cert_1"
        set cn "testbla"
        set mandatory-ca-verify enable
        set two-factor enable
        set passwd ENC NeMCO1Dha7ZqzsoTiwDNNu4hyjHmTly3B2wbyvf3i4v8unf4vH1iNl1BwyJkv3/1lqMcVPrSlS7NieSeDuInUc7YUyh/Jegw3sSsX6J2hn8xocsLt4xczedDenbJLWRgj0UVHrR+XrmTdr+4sZx5WqjSyPU8V53iDBv/9sLiA==

fw01 (peer) # 
fw01 (peer) # exit
please use 'end' to return to root shell

fw01 (peer) # next
Unknown action 0

fw01 (peer) # end