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Richtiges Update von IPFIRE

Da es bei den Updates über das Webinterface immer wieder Probleme gab, sollte man die Firewall nur über die Konsole updaten. Dann die Neustartmeldung vom Webinterface abwarten.

pakfire --help
Usage: pakfire <install|remove> [options] <pak(s)>
               <update> - Contacts the servers for new lists of paks.
               <upgrade> - Installs the latest version of all paks.
               <list> - Outputs a short list with all available paks.

       Global options:
               --non-interactive --> Enables the non-interactive mode.
                                     You won't see any question here.
                              -y --> Short for --non-interactive.
                     --no-colors --> Turns off the wonderful colors.
