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server_und_serverdienste:sammlung_mountbefehle_fstab_bespiele_smbclient [2023/01/20 09:31] lomaserver_und_serverdienste:sammlung_mountbefehle_fstab_bespiele_smbclient [2024/08/09 08:12] (aktuell) loma
Zeile 12: Zeile 12:
 <code bash> <code bash>
 #NFS-Freigabe #NFS-Freigabe
-  /mnt/username/iso-images   nfs    rw,_netdev,user,noauto,intr,soft,bg    0 0+  /mnt/username/iso-images   nfs    rw,_netdev,user,noauto,intr,soft,bg,retry=3    0 0 
 +The number of minutes that the mount(8) command retries an NFS mount operation in the foreground or background before giving up. If this option is not specified, the default value for foreground mounts is 2 minutes, and the default value for background mounts is 10000 minutes (80 minutes shy of one week). If a value of zero is specified, the mount(8) command exits immediately after the first failure.
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