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nagios_unter_gentoo_mit_lilac [2011/08/08 00:16] – Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „ == Installation des Nagiosdienstes == Folgende Zeilen müssen in der package.keywords stehen: <pre> net-analyzer/nagios-plugins =sys-apps/portage-2.2* ~* net-an…“ adminnagios_unter_gentoo_mit_lilac [2011/08/08 15:52] – /* Konfiguration */ admin
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 +====== Installation des Nagiosdienstes ======
-====== Installation des Nagiosdienstes ====== 
 +===== Grundsätzliches =====
 +Fogende Features werden installiert:
 +  *  LDAP-Support für PHP und apache2
 +  *  LDAP-SASL-Support für PHP und apach2
 +  *  MYSQL für das Lilac Interface
 +  *  Nagiosplugins
 +  *  SNMP Unterstützung für PHP
 +  *  Alle Nagiosplugins
 +  *  Sämtliche Pakete werden mit "threads" für Multicore gebaut.
 Folgende Zeilen müssen in der package.keywords stehen: Folgende Zeilen müssen in der package.keywords stehen:
Zeile 17: Zeile 28:
   net-analyzer/nagios-plugins ipv6 nagios-ssh ssl jabber ldap mysql nagios-dns nagios-game nagios-ntp nagios-ping postgres radius samba snmp ups   net-analyzer/nagios-plugins ipv6 nagios-ssh ssl jabber ldap mysql nagios-dns nagios-game nagios-ntp nagios-ping postgres radius samba snmp ups
   net-analyzer/nagios-core apache2   net-analyzer/nagios-core apache2
 +  net-fs/samba -server -acl -avahi -cups
 +  net-nds/openldap minimal
 +  dev-lang/php snmp cgi curl mysql pcntl pdo gd xml apache2 ldap ldap-sasl
 +  www-servers/apache ldap
 +  dev-libs/apr-util ldap
 +Daneben gibt es noch die speziellen Variablen APACHE2_MODULES und APACHE2_MPMS, die bestimmen, welche Apache-Module und welche MPMs (Multi-Processing Modules) im späteren Einsatz zur Verfügung stehen. Das ganze kann man in der make.conf festlegen.
 +  ...
 +  APACHE2_MPMS="worker"
 +  ...
 +Und das ganze installieren:
 +  emerge -qa net-analyzer/nagios net-analyzer/nagios-plugins-snmp net-analyzer/nagios-plugins
 +===== Ausgabe von Portage: =====
 +  * APACHE
 +   * The location of SSL certificates has changed. If you are
 +   * upgrading from www-servers/apache-2.2.13 or earlier (or remerged
 +   * *any* apache version), you might want to move your old
 +   * certificates from /etc/apache2/ssl/ to /etc/ssl/apache2/ and
 +   * update your config files.
 +   * Attention: cgi and cgid modules are now handled via APACHE2_MODULES flags
 +   * in /etc/make.conf. Make sure to enable those in order to compile them.
 +   * In general, you should use 'cgid' with threaded MPMs and 'cgi' otherwise.
 +  PHP
 +  * Please note that this version of PHP does not yet come with a suhosin patch
 +  * Installing SAPI: cli
 +   * Installing php.ini for cli into /etc/php/cli-php5.3
 +   * Installing SAPI: cgi
 +   * Installing php.ini for cgi into /etc/php/cgi-php5.3
 +   * Installing SAPI: apache2
 +   * Installing php.ini for apache2 into /etc/php/apache2-php5.3
 +   * To enable php, you need to edit your /etc/conf.d/apache2 file and
 +   * add '-D PHP5' to APACHE2_OPTS.
 +   * Configuration file installed as
 +       /etc/apache2/modules.d/70_mod_php5.conf
 +   * You may want to edit it before turning the module on in /etc/conf.d/apache2
 +   * Switched cli to use php:5.3
 +   * Switched cgi to use php:5.3
 +   * Switched apache2 to use php:5.3
 +   * Make sure that PHP_TARGETS in /etc/make.conf includes php5-3 in order
 +   * to compile extensions for the 5.3 ABI
 +   * This ebuild installed a version of php.ini based on php.ini-development version.
 +   * You can chose which version of php.ini to install by default by setting PHP_INI_VERSION to either
 +   * 'production' or 'development' in /etc/make.conf
 +   * Both versions of php.ini can be found in /usr/share/doc/php-5.3.6
 +===== Einrichten der Dienste =====
 +  emerge --config =dev-db/mysql-5.1.56
 +  rc-update add mysql
 +  /etc/init.d/mysql start
 +  rc-update add apache2
 +  /etc/init.d/apache2 start
 +  rc-update add nagios
 +  /etc/init.d/nagios start
 +====== Konfiguration ======
 +Man kann zusätzliche Berechtigungen in folgender Datei übergeben
 +  nano /etc/apache2/modules.d/99_nagios3.conf
 +Wir bleiben hier aber bei "Allow from all"
 +Jetzt erstellen wir den Apache authorization table. Hierzu legen wir jeweils eine ".htaccess" in folgenden Verzeichnissen an:
 +| **Pfad** |
 +| nano /usr/share/nagios/htdocs/.htaccess |
 +| nano /usr/lib/nagios/cgi-bin/.htaccess |
 + |
 +Der Inhalt der Datei soll so aussehen:
 +  AuthName "Nagios Access"
 +  AuthType Basic
 +  AuthUserFile /etc/nagios/auth.users
 +  Require valid-user
 +Jetzt legen wir den Nagiosbenutzer für das Webinterface an:
 +  htpasswd2 -c /etc/nagios/auth.users nagiosadmin
 +  (Apache needs read access to auth.users)
 +  chown nagios:nagios /etc/nagios/auth.users
 +===== Apache konfigurieren =====
 +Zuerst müssen wir unseren default VHOST festlegen.
 +  nano /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/00_default_vhost.conf
 +  ...
 +  <VirtualHost *:80>
 +          ServerName localhost
 +          Include /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/default_vhost.include
 +          <IfModule mpm_peruser_module>
 +                  ServerEnvironment apache apache
 +          </IfModule>
 +  ScriptAlias /nagios/cgi-bin /usr/lib/nagios/cgi-bin
 +  <Directory "/usr/lib/nagios/cgi-bin">
 +          Options ExecCGI
 +          AllowOverride None
 +          AllowOverride AuthConfig
 +          Order allow,deny
 +          Allow from all
 +  </Directory>
 +  Alias /nagios /usr/share/nagios/htdocs
 +  <Directory "/usr/share/nagios/htdocs">
 +          Options Indexes
 +          AllowOverride None
 +          Order allow,deny
 +          Allow from all
 +  </Directory>
 +  </VirtualHost>
 +  </IfDefine>
 +  ...
 +Jetzt noch die erforderlichen Dienste neu starten:
 +  /etc/init.d/nagios restart && /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
 +Jetzt kann man sich über [[http://nagios-test.darkwolf.lan/nagios|http://nagios-test.darkwolf.lan/nagios]] einloggen.
 +====== Links ======
 +  *  [[http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/nagios-guide.xml|English-guide Nagios with Gentoo]]