hddtemp is a small utility (daemonizable) that gives you the temperature of your hard drive by reading S.M.A.R.T. informations (for drives that support this feature).
First get hddtemp by
emerge hddtemp
After that do test if hddtemp is working properly
hddtemp /dev/sd{a,b,c}
If you get something like
WARNING: Drive /dev/sda doesn't appear in the database of supported drives WARNING: But using a common value, it reports something. WARNING: Note that the temperature shown could be wrong. WARNING: See --help, --debug and --drivebase options. WARNING: And don't forget you can add your drive to hddtemp.db
then your database file may be too old or the drive too new. You can update your drive manually by editing the database file /usr/share/hddtemp/hddtemp.db Get the model description of your drive by
hddtemp -D /dev/hda | grep Model
This will give: Model: HDS722525VLAT80. Take that model descriptor and add it to the database:
/usr/share/hddtemp/hddtemp.db "HDS722525VLAT80" 194 C "Hitachi 250GB"
Make sure, that your temperature is referred in field 194 of the S.M.A.R.T interface and is in degrees celsius otherwise correct the two fields. Read the man page of hddtemp, how to check this.
Define the drives you want to monitor in /etc/conf.d/hddtemp. For example:
/etc/conf.d/hddtemp HDDTEMP_DRIVES="/dev/hda /dev/hdb /dev/hdd"
Start the init script for this session and add it to the default runlevel:
/etc/init.d/hddtemp start rc-update add hddtemp default
Wobei das Hinzufügen zum Runlevel in Baselayout2 nicht mehr sein muss. Es wird beim Check der Temperatur automatisch in den dynamischen Runlevel eingefügt.
Open http://localhost:7634 in your favorite webbrowser. The output may look a bit confusing, for example:
/dev/sda | SAMSUNG SP2504C | 34 | C | /dev/sdb | SAMSUNG SP2504C | 38 | C | /dev/sdc | SAMSUNG HD400LJ | 38 | C |
Meaning that /dev/sda is at 34°C, /dev/sdb at 38°C and /dev/sdc at 38°C